No, I'm not pregnant. Good lord, perish the thought.
I'm starting nursing school in September. This is a big deal! HUGE! This is something I have wanted to do for ages and couldn't work up the courage to go through with. Because, you know, it would be difficult. And maybe I wouldn't be good at it. Just trust me when I say there were myriad reasons why I constantly talked myself out of taking the big step and actually applying. And every single one of them was my anxiety talking.
The fact that I recognized it and talked myself out of being afraid is another big deal. Because lets face it, I am a huge ball of worry. I don't have full blown anxiety attacks anymore, but I still manage to give myself palpitations over silly shit. In this instance, I had an epiphany. There really is no other way to describe it. I realized that I was letting my fear rule me. I was letting my fear dictate the course that the rest of my life would take. And goddamn if I didn't sit down that very day and apply to nursing school, because you know what? Fuck that.
Another thing I went ahead and did even though the thought made me vaguely nauseated is sign up for a Run For Your Lives race. I'm gonna be chased by zombies! On an obstacle course! A couple of my friends have done it and said it was a blast, and I have planned on doing one for ages but never did because Landwhale. Fuck that, too. I've lost 15 pounds, I'm lighter than I was when I got pregnant with Spagett, and I'm in way better shape. Still slow as fuck, but getting better. I'm training for a half marathon, for gods sake, I can handle a good ol' fashioned apocalypse.
I'm starting nursing school in September. This is a big deal! HUGE! This is something I have wanted to do for ages and couldn't work up the courage to go through with. Because, you know, it would be difficult. And maybe I wouldn't be good at it. Just trust me when I say there were myriad reasons why I constantly talked myself out of taking the big step and actually applying. And every single one of them was my anxiety talking.
The fact that I recognized it and talked myself out of being afraid is another big deal. Because lets face it, I am a huge ball of worry. I don't have full blown anxiety attacks anymore, but I still manage to give myself palpitations over silly shit. In this instance, I had an epiphany. There really is no other way to describe it. I realized that I was letting my fear rule me. I was letting my fear dictate the course that the rest of my life would take. And goddamn if I didn't sit down that very day and apply to nursing school, because you know what? Fuck that.
Another thing I went ahead and did even though the thought made me vaguely nauseated is sign up for a Run For Your Lives race. I'm gonna be chased by zombies! On an obstacle course! A couple of my friends have done it and said it was a blast, and I have planned on doing one for ages but never did because Landwhale. Fuck that, too. I've lost 15 pounds, I'm lighter than I was when I got pregnant with Spagett, and I'm in way better shape. Still slow as fuck, but getting better. I'm training for a half marathon, for gods sake, I can handle a good ol' fashioned apocalypse.